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East Timorese: Reagan Responsible for Indonesia Massacres 
                                                   -Roy Mark

Dili, East Timor - 7 June 2004:  President Ronald Reagan was responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of East Timorese, human rights activists Jose Luis Oliveira asserted Sunday.  The accusation came the day after Reagan died.  "The world must not forget that under his leadership, America helped the Indonesian military commit genocide in East Timor." 

The charge by Oliveira, stems from the apparent endorsement by the U.S. president of Indonesia’s invasion of the former Portuguese colony.

Oliveira, after learning of Reagan's death was not willing to credit Reagan for any greatness while placing responsibility on Reagan for Indonesia’s invasion of East Timor.

Ronald Reagan, Governor of California
1967 - 1975 

Greatness is truly due Ronald Reagan considering he sanctioned the 1975 invasion some six years before he became president in 1981.

Liberals have never allowed details such as facts to impede their attacks on conservatives.

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